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Prayer of Qurbani

Prayer for sacrifice Method of sacrifice Method of sacrifice and prayer
You have Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. You must have heard a famous incident in which he told his son Hazrat Ismail A. S. The intention was to kill him, but Allah Ta'ala sent a ram from heaven for sacrifice, he was just asking for the need of his prophet whether he loved me a lot or for his sons, the sacrifice started with the recognition.

Meaning of sacrifice in Hindi. Why is sacrifice called sacrifice?
The word Qurbani is derived from Qurban, it means to worship Allah through something, to want to be close to Allah or to drown.
Now a rich man wants to be closer to Allah through this act (animal slaughter) and hence it is also called Qurban.

Method of sacrifice method and prayer of sacrifice
1. Sharpen the knife (so that the animals do not suffer much)

2. Show the Qibla direction of the animal

3. Then this prayer (Prayer of Qurbani)

Inni waz jahtu wajahi ya lillazi fa ta rassamawati wal arz hanifauv wa ma ana minal mushriqi na in na salaati wa nusuki wa mahya ya wa mamaati lillahi rabbil aalmin. La shariq lahu wa bizali ka uriratu wa ana minal muslimin. Allahumma ma la ka wa min ka bismillahi Allahu Akbar

4. Then said Allahumma Takbablu Minka Wa Laka

5. Then reply by saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar

6. Read this dua after the funeral

Allahumma ta Kabbal minni kama ta kabbal ta min khalili ka Ibrahim Alayhi Wa Salatu salam wa Habeebi ka Muhammadin Saallalahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wasallam

If you are doing the sacrifice in your own name, then say 'Minni' (in the above dua), but if you are doing it in the name of someone else, then instead of 'Minni', say 'Min'.

On which day should the sacrifice be made? what are the days of sacrifice
You can sacrifice on any day of these three days - 10th, 11th, 12th of Zil Hijja. Yes, it is best to sacrifice on the first day i.e. 10th of Zil Hijja.

What is the sacrifice made by giving simple alms instead of sacrifice?
No ! In the same way, giving alms of charity does not make one perform Namaaz, and paying Zakat does not make one perform Hajj, in the same way, giving alms of charity does not make one a sacrifice.

But three days passed and I couldn't make the sacrifice.
If on three days of the sacrifice i.e. 10, 11, 12, you went to the village and due to negligence could not perform the sacrifice, then it is obligatory to give Sadaqah at the expense of the poverty of the sacrifice, but during the days of sacrifice, you could not do Sadaqah.

Sacrificial meat sacrificial meat
three pieces of meat

1. A portion for your family

2. To a friend and relative

3. And for the position of a poor and destitute

Sacrifice skin sacrificial skin
The skin of the sacrificial animal is used for its own use, such as making musalla or dol etc., but if sold, its value is not used for its own use but is learned by giving it as charity.

   May Allah grant us the right to hold a general meeting and even vote for the right.

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