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Maher Zain Lyrics - Maher Zain - Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) [Music Video] | ماهر زين - نور النبي


Maher Zain - Nûru Nebi (Turkish Version) [Music Video] | ماهر زين - نور النبي

Maher Zain Lyrics Translation:

Nurun Nebi rahmet deva 
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)

Sen kalbimin narına şifa 
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)

Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum 
(O, Beloved, my soul is yours)

Yalnız senin ruhum 
(My soul is only yours)
Nuruyla Rabbim Kıldı Nur 
(My Lord created you with His light)

Seni kalbe bahşeden odur 
(It is He who bestowed you as a gift to the hearts)

Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum 
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)

Yalnız senin ruhum 
(Only yours is my soul)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana 
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)

Adını anmak bile merhem bana 
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)

Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et 
(O Lord, let him know)

Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et 
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Özlemin yara değil, benim ilacım 
(Longing for you is not a wound, it is my medicine)

Yüreğimde muhabbetine muhtacım 
(I need your love in my heart)

Yangın nedir, hasret nedir 
(What is fire, what is longing)
Bilmez ki bilmeyen seni 
(He who doesn't know you doesn't know their real meaning)
Kutlu Nebi selâm sana 
(Blessed Prophet, salutations be upon you)

Adını anmak bile merhem bana 
(Even the mention of your name is a balm for me)

Ey Rabbimiz haberdar et 
(O Lord, let him know)

Bize yar ile vuslat nasip et 
(And grant us union with the beloved)
Nurun Nebi, rahmet deva 
(Your Light, O Prophet, is a mercy and a cure)

Sen kalbimin narına şifa 
(You are the healing for the fire in my heart)

Ey Sevgili, senin ruhum 
(O Beloved, my soul is yours)

Yalnız senin ruhum 
(My soul is only yours)

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