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What Is Muraqaba And Islamic Sufi Meditation?!!! Fikar E Iqbal


What Is Muraqaba And Islamic Sufi Meditation?, This video is a beautiful motivational video Another good informative video about, Muraqaba And Islamic Sufi Meditation. What Is Muraqaba And Islamic Sufi Meditation? Sufi meditation is an important Muraqaba or 7 chakras or Shaktiyan component of Islamic spirituality. The mystical tradition focuses on developing a personal relationship with God through Ilm e Batin and Ilm e Ladunni. Dhikr (Zikr) and Meditation (Muraqaba) are used to empty the mind and heart of spiritual carbon monoxide. Sufism, the mystical/spiritual tradition of Islam, then moves on to describe Islamic psychotherapy and various aspects of Sufi meditation (Muraqaba), providing an overview of the Sufi Islamic humanities. Today we talk about Muraqaba and Sufi Meditation is related to spirituality, spirituality and Muraqaba is considered by all religions. And all religions meditate in their own way. First of all, what is the definition of Muraqaba, Meditation? Is what we are meditating true or not. Muraqaba (Meditation) is the creature within man, who is the vicegerent of the soul, the seven Lataif, which the Muslim Sufi saints, the saints of Allah call it Lataif, while in Hinduism it is called Shaktiyan, and the Christians call it the spiritual body and the Sikh religion. I call it the Seven Chakras, 7 Chakras. And people of all faiths meditate according to their own religion. 

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