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How You World Be Safe In Future Said By Sufi Saints

How You World Be Safe In Future Said By Sufi Saints, This video the beautiful motivational video Another good informative video about, How You World Be Safe In Future Said By Sufi Saints. how to be safe in this world? By Sufi Saints, Sufism, Islamic mystical doctrine and practices in which Muslims seek to know the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience with God. The main ideas in Sufi metaphysics have surrounded the concept of unity or "unity with God" (pantheism), essentially the idea that God is the only reality in the universe and that everything exists in God alone. The Sufi Saint is a person who believes in the type of Islam known as Sufism. The spiritual goal of a mystic is to have direct personal experience with God. Sufi elders say that if you want to save this world and improve your life in this world and the hereafter, you have to remember Allah with your heartbeat, with one tick of your heart, "Allah" and the other tick. You have to read "Hu" together. Imam Ali (as) says that if a person knows that his success in this world is in the remembrance of Allah, then he should not be unaware of the remembrance of Allah even for a moment. Watch this full video to know more because there is more detail in this video about saving this gift and fixing your mind in the sight of Allah. 

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